BraaiBoy’s Chakalaka: An Insanely Delicious (Quick & Easy) Relish
What exactly IS Chakalaka? Chakalaka (or chaka laka) is a truly South African vegetable relish / sauce made using baked beans, tomatoes, onion, garlic and curry. Throw in a few…
What exactly IS Chakalaka? Chakalaka (or chaka laka) is a truly South African vegetable relish / sauce made using baked beans, tomatoes, onion, garlic and curry. Throw in a few…
#BananaForScale - A Braai Month Giveaway Spring is here, and while most of us South Africans will braai any time & any where... The Spring and Summer months allow us…
South African's have been spending time around the braai since before we became a republic. The basic requirements for a braai hasn't changed much for anyone. For instance, all my…
Homemade Monkey Gland Sauce - How to make this uniquely South African sauce. A step-by-step Recipe & Video for BraaiBoy TV.
It seems that most of my life’s stories start with something along the lines of “so I had this crazy idea”, or “I was standing around the braai having a beer…”, and “Pizza Wors” is no different.
The Pizza Wors story started (more…)
Say What? 100 months of braaing… every day??? That’s Right! I’ve lit a braai (sometimes more than once a day) every day now since 17 April, 2009. What originally started off as a drunken dare back in 2009 (more…)
About 2 years ago, I wrote my car off. It's a long story, so we won't get into that right now... but I had been meaning to replace my "pocket…
Ja, Ja… so the braai was actually in Parys, Free State and not Paris, France… but for now that’s the closest I’ve got. Either way, the real Paris has a lot to measure up to if it wants to beat our BraaiWeather Braai Day in Parys. (more…)