Ja, Ja… so the braai was actually in Parys, Free State and not Paris, France… but for now that’s the closest I’ve got. Either way, the real Paris has a lot to measure up to if it wants to beat our BraaiWeather Braai Day in Parys.
I’ve been chatting to @BraaiWeather, @FoulkesBrau & @Chad_O_Chef on twitter for some time now (mostly about sunny skies, cold beer and lekker braais), and then one day the conversation escalated and we agreed we should all get together and meet in real life. Jorge would organise the sunny skies, Foulkes Brau a custom brew and Cha-O-Chef would bring a fancy new hybrid braai (called “The Hybrid“… it works on gas, charcoal or wood).

There were about 100 people there for a season-ending celebratory filming of a season of “Opgetof” (on Via TV – DSTV channel 147), that needed “finger food”. We made some lekker BRM Ribs, Cheesegrillers, Wings & fruit skewers etc. etc., but decided we needed something fun (but easy enough to mass-produce) as well. Now as most of you that know me will know, I LOOOVE anything with bacon… but I’ve done bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers so many times, I decided to try something new… The decision was made to go with Bacon-Wrapped Sweet Potatoes. First time I’ve ever tried it, and let me just say…. #YUM!
Check out the Bacon-Wrapped Sweet Potato Recipe
Jorge managed to get a lot of dodgy shots, hopefully only the above-board stuff will make its way on to People’s Weather (DSTV Channel 180)… keep an eye out for when those go live. I think we caught a lot of fun stuff on camera… let me know if you see it and agree.

Foulkes Brau don’t have their brewing license yet, so we were really honoured to taste Craig’s brew. Went down like a homesick mole! That license needs to come through ASAP dude so that you can start sharing your beer with the rest of South Africa! Keep that name in the back of your minds. #Beerfection

The Chad-O-Chef guys really impressed with their gas/charcoal/wood hybrid braai. Lit the wood with the gas, braaied a sample of each of the food items and then finished off with charcoal… all on the same braai!
What started off as something of mini “tweetup”, turned into an epic day and the discovery of a lekker new braai snack recipe… but then again beers & braais have a habit of doing that. Gotta love it!
I’m sure this was just the first of many… keep an eye out for the next one. There’s a rumour we’ll be making it an open invite. #HeeltydSpeeltyd