A Fun Braai Photo Challenge – #BBPhotoChallenge 2016
Besides being the month of love, February is also "Photo A Day" challenge time. Never heard of it? No worries, until last year, neither had I. However, I'm glad I…
Besides being the month of love, February is also "Photo A Day" challenge time. Never heard of it? No worries, until last year, neither had I. However, I'm glad I…
Win tickets to the African Beer Emporium sneak peek event.
Learn how to make braai sushi and boerewors sushi with this recipe video on #BraaiBoyTV
A beer tasting challenge to Win van Vuuren, aka (self proclaimed) "Beer Guru".
In this beer-can chicken recipe, the secret is to drink the beer and then use the can as a stand. Using a full (or half-full as most recipes suggest) beer is just wasting beer.
As far as months go, January must be the worst of them... It most likely started off with a hangover, and then got worse by sending you back to work/school. However it does have 1 redeeming quality... It ends with a kickass party in the form of Park Acoustics!
I don't think I've ever posted anything political before... and for good reason... I generally don't trust politics and politicians from either wing of the chicken... but today I read for…
This time next week I'll be at the V&A waterfront in Cape Town, just about ready to kick off another Guinness World Record attempt. This time I'll be taking on…