Many moons ago, back in 2011, my “partner-in-braai” and I started playing around with smoking meat (aka American-Style BBQ). At first it was just so that we would be able to compete in America. One of the first things we learned to do was Pulled Pork, and we quickly realised that this was something that us South Africans have been missing out on for years, and so we began introducing it to the Park Acoustics festival-goers. What we didn’t realise was the danger it posed!
Is Pulled Pork really that dangerous?
It takes just one taste of our Pulled Pork for you to become hooked, and once hooked it poses a serious health risk. I was reading an article the other day about James Harrison, a 28-year old web designer, that suffered a near-fatal allergic reaction. You can read the full article here, but I’ll highlight the gist of it for you:
Mr Cat & The Jackal-Addicted To Pulled Pork
“James was fine up until he ate that non-pulled, mass-produced burger,” claimed witness and friend, Tarquin Cockpull, a 25-year-old entrepreneur who makes hats from decommission tea cosys. “One second he’s enjoying an elderberry craft lemonade he made from his own piss, some moss and Windolene, and the next he’s tucking into what looked like a delicious, deconstructed pulled pork and sanguine roasted chutney jus burger.”
Tarquin claims that in that moment James began to cough loudly as he attempted to swallow the “regular, chewy meat” but that his throat “literally rejected it”…
While we generally frown on people gulping down their own pee, we now realise what we have done and apologise to those of you that have become hooked, but also accept that it is now our civic duty to provide you with a steady supply of genuine Pulled Pork.
If you find yourself in a situation similar to James, pull in to Park Acoustics at The Voortrekker Monument on Sunday the 27th and we’ll be in our usual braai spot ready to serve you. Tickets are available online for R120, and while there are normally tickets available at the gate as well, they tend to sell out fast, so your best bet it to get them online and avoid being turned away on Sunday.
In order to recruit more addicts, I’m giving away 5 tickets to September’s Park Acoustics (including a free Pulled Pork Burger).
How can YOU become addicted to BraaiBoy’s Pulled Pork?
Simply RT the tweet below and I’ll pick 5 random winners on Monday.
The dangers of Pulled Pork are real: – Pls RT & let everyone know.
Need any advice about your addiction? Got a comment to share, or just want to rant about the predicament we’ve put you in? You can do so in the comments section below, or reach out to me on twitter (@BraaiBoy) and Facebook