It seems that most of my life’s stories start with something along the lines of “so I had this crazy idea”, or “I was standing around the braai having a beer…”, and “Pizza Wors” is no different.
The Pizza Wors story started when a mate sent me a picture that was clearly PhotoShopped. It looked like Pizza in a sausage casing. Like most other people, I found the idea fun and intriguing, but ultimately unfeasible and clearly a joke… so I shared it on Facebook & twitter etc. for a laugh. The reaction was so intense, that I HAD to try and make some… and so #PizzaWors was born 🙂

This is my first attempt at making some… It could do with a minor tweak or two, but ultimately works as advertised… It’s Pizza in a wors 🙂 Please check out the video, share it with your friends, and feel free to share any constructive criticism.
A massive shout out and Thank You to Riaan from Mondanette Butchery in Monument Park, Pretoria and to Biff’s Big 6 ( and JetMaster SA ( for making this episode possible. Thank you guys for the support!
Please give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, and please remember to subscribe to my channel so that you don’t miss the next episode of #BraaiBoyTV.
P.S. Currently PizzaWors is only available at Mondanette Butchery in Pretoria, but I’ll probably be chatting to a few others in the near future about spreading the love throughout South Africa. If your local butcher is an absolute legend and class act, then please ask him to get in touch.
Jy is baie welkom om te kom kyk en al ons ander braai goedjies.