It’s not Friday, so this isn’t a #FridayFunny post, but it is Heritage Day… and as South Africans we all love a good laugh, with our own special brand of humour. So in the spirit of Heritage Day, let’s celebrate with a little South African humour, courtesy of Kobus Galloway, from IdeesVolVrees.

A fair assumption is that there are gonna be many a Steakie on the braai today, Where’s yours gonna be? Wherever it may be… remember to claim it on SupaBraai in order to stand inline to win awesome prizes from Supa Quick, Weber & Brafia Sauces every day this month.
P.S. I really love Kobus’ work, and I’m thinking I need to ask him to do a few more… got any ideas for some cool cartoons? If so, please pop me a message in the comments below or hit me up on twitter (@BraaiBoy) and Facebook.