Someone just walked off with a rack of ribs ;-) Rack of Ribs Clothing Check the video here:
Someone just walked off with a rack of ribs ;-) Rack of Ribs Clothing Check the video here:
We humans seem quite amused by chickens, especially when trying to figure out why they cross roads. But they also cause quite the controversy when being compared to vegetables. We…
I was fooling about on the web trying to come up with some witty "is chicken a vegetable" jokes before I asked AI: "Is chicken really vegetable"... The answer might,…
Moms all over the world are constantly on our cases to not play with our food. Well Mom... today I think I'm gonna convince even you to wanna play with…
... and here's some more Valentine's Day Braai love. Enjoy!
This is NOT a hard wood #Meme