October Park Acoustics

Park Acoustics

Technically this post’s title is a lie… There is no Park Acoustics happening in October  this year. Say What??? Nope, no Park Acoustics in October… However, it is going down on 1 Nov though. Which is good news for me, I was really bleak when I heard the line-up and thought we’d still be in America for “the last Sunday in Oct”… but we get back on the 28th October… so… I’ll see you at Park Acoustics!

The other good news is (more…)

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Braaihemian Rhapsody – Braai a Mango T-shirt

*update:* You can now buy the T-Shirt here
braai a mango t-shirtEvery now and then something gets sent to me via mail or shared with me on social media that really tickles my funny-bone. This was the case with this T-Shirt… so I modified it slightly and posted it to Facebook. Right away the calls to print and make them available for buying them were overwhelming. Equally overwhelming were my friends that gave me kak for the ear-worm I had just planted. One of my buddies even decided I needed to finish the rest of the song as a form of punishment for what I’d done to her… #ChallengeAccepted 🙂
It seemed like fun… and besides, except for chilling around the pool and braaing, I had nothing else to do that day… so I got cracking.
I spent the rest of the day writing what I thought were awesome lyrics for the Braaihemian Rhapsody… my girlfriend disagreed 🙂

So I got to thinking: (more…)

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