Share The Warmth

Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean we need to braai any less… It just means we’ll be making bigger fires and standing a little closer.

I’ve also got some awesome news to share with all of you: With the help of Sedgwick’s Old Brown, I’m going to help all of us accomplish exactly that.

Sedgwicks Old Brown Since 1916

A couple of days ago the folks over at Sedgwick’s got in touch and asked me if I’d like a couple of bottles to share with my mates the next time I braaied… well duh, of course! So then I suggested they throw in a couple of prizes and we make it a REAL party… and this is where you come in.

On Thursday, 13th June I’m hosting an Old Brown party at Aandklas, and I’m inviting 30-40 of you guys over, all I ask in return is that you share your best campfire story with us for a YouTube video. Free booze, braaivleis and good times.

BraaiBoy Old Brown SherryHow do you get invited?

1) Find a buddy or 3 willing to join you on camera,
2) Contact me and give me the high-level run-down of your favourite campfire story.
There are no specific requirements, but stories of fluffy dying on your birthday are a bit of a buzz-kill, so please try to keep them happy (or at least funny).

Based on your stories, I’m going to pick +/- 10 teams to join us for the evening at Aandklas in Hatfield (Pretoria) where you will share those stories with us on camera.

I mentioned Prizes?

  • The 4 best videos (as determined by a random set of selection criteria) will be selected on 18th June.
  • Voting will be opened to everyone and the video with the most likes and comments on 21 June @ 12h00 wins R750 cash + R750 product hamper.
  • The video that comes in second wins a R500 product hamper.

Can’t get to Aandklas on Thursday?

No problem… You can create your own video and upload it to YouTube (or Dropbox etc. it to me and I’ll put it onto my channel) before 18th June and still be eligible for the prizes.


Sound like fun? Of course it does – so what are you waiting for? Get in touch and let’s Share The Warmth with Sedgwick’s Old Brown.

BTW: You can connect with Sedgwick’s Old Brown on facebook, and don’t forget: you can connect with me on facebook and twitter as well, or leave a message in the comments section below – Would love to hear from you guys.

Update: Sedgwick’s Old Brown is also giving away 100 bottles to deserving fans. Simply go share your favourite memory with them to enter and Warm up for 2013.
Update 18th: We’ve been going through the footage from the other night’s party at Aandklas, and while making for some very entertaining viewing, the editing process is proving a little more challenging. As a result, we’ll be foregoing the “top 4” process, and all the videos (that we manage to salvage from all the footage) will be uploaded. The voting will open as soon as a video is uploaded and the 2 videos with the most views, likes and comments on 21 June will still be declared the winners.

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