Is Chicken REALLY a Vegetable? The Best Vegetable even?

We humans seem quite amused by chickens, especially when trying to figure out why they cross roads. But they also cause quite the controversy when being compared to vegetables. We all know the “chicken is a vegetable” quip by now. It used to be quite funny in the beginning, but there’s always that one guy at the braai that still manages to work “but chicken is a vegetable” into a conversation, and now it’s just getting a little lame.

… or is it? Is Lame Larry at the braai actually on to something?

As someone on Quora once said: “It clucks like a chicken, it looks like a chicken, but something’s a fowl…”

Before I began my BraaiBoy journey, I was like lame Larry claiming chicken was a vegetable every chance I got, but I’ve subsequently discovered that chicken can be quite tasty.

… but then again, so too can vegetables o_O

What does AI say about chicken being a vegetable?

hmmmm…. So I asked AI to weigh in on the “Is chicken really a vegetable” conversation, and this is what it came up with:

People have been debating whether chicken is a vegetable for years, and now I’m entering the discussion!

What other food is frequently served with a side of crunchy carrots and roasted potatoes? That’s right, chicken! And if it’s served with vegetables, it must be a vegetable itself, right?

Additionally, chicken is a fantastic source of the vitamins & minerals you need each day. Its dark meat is high in iron and zinc, whereas its white meat is a fantastic source of lean protein. So chicken should be your first choice if you’re looking for a healthy vegetable!

Not to mention all the delicious preparation methods. Chicken is a versatile vegetable that can be prepared in a variety of ways, whether you’re braaing some peri-peri chicken wings or baking a whole bird in your oven.

Don’t forget to put some chicken in your shopping cart the next time you’re at the grocery store. Who knew chicken could be so nutritious? It’s not just a tasty treat, either.

A featherless vegetable chicken
A featherless vegetable chicken – as imagined by AI

… and there you have it maatjies: Chicken really IS a vegetable, and not only that but it’s quite a tasty (and nutritious) one at that!

Feeling inspired to try something new? Check out my braai recipes for some chicken/vegetable recipes… or check out these “Chicken is a vegetable jokes” that I found while I was fooling about creating this post.

P.S. What’s your experience with AI generated content?

… got any favourite AI generators that I should know about? Please drop a comment below and let me know!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. George

    I must agree. Of all the vegetables, chicken is my favourite.

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