On Friday, I hosted the first ever BraaiBoy Golf Day. It was definitely awesome, and will becoming an annual event from now on.
Let me start by saying that I know very little about golf. Don’t get me wrong, I love playing the game, and play a fair amount of it, but when my mates and I play, we typically load the cart full of beers and cruise around the course having a good time. It’s seldom that any of us keeps score.
Having said all that, I’ve always wanted to host my own golf day… it looked like so much fun. So I hooked up with Francois, from PenQuin Tours to make it happen. Castle Lager and Deli Spices came on board as title sponsors (Thanks Guys!!!) and the result was a fun day.

My good friend Christo “Baas” De Beer (find him on twitter @BaasDeBeer and his Blog: BaasDeBeer), played the role of security for us, and before the players even made it into the clubhouse, they were in for a surprise. He fondled a couple balls, tried to solicit some bribes and even insulted some of the promo girls. Unfortunately nobody punched him.
Next up the guys (and girl) had a chance to prove the putting skills against the Blue Bulls Babes… nobody really showed any golfing promise here 🙂
A couple of castles to warm-up and the players made their way to the tee boxes… a huge shoutout to Castle Lager, Mensa, Lovoka, Jimmy’s Sauces, Alfa Wonderboom, Deli Spices, 5 Butterflies, Tjom Braai, Connection Telecom, Cactus Jack and PenQuin Tours for sponsoring the holes and making sure the players had fun along the way.
At the half-way mark the players were forced, against their will, to pose for a couple of pics, and after a quick a BraaiBoy Boerie the players headed off .
Apparently some of the 4-balls played great rounds, and although some cool prizes were handed out, the highlight of the evening was surely comedians Melt & Hannes (aka The Flying Dutchmen). Thanks guys – epic funny as always!
Finally, we managed to catch all the action on camera as well! Thanks to Press Play Films for hiding in the bushes, harassing players and even getting me to sing “Call Me Maybe” – Check out the amazing video they put together.
If you were there, go check out Facebook Album and feel free to tag yourself. If you weren’t and would like to be part of the 2014 BraaiBoy Golf Day, follow me on twitter (@BraaiBoy), like my page on facebook or subscribe to my blog… The 2014 golf day promises to be even bigger and better!
As always… I’m also keen to hear your comments and thoughts below, so don’t be shy!