Besides being the month of love, February is also “Photo A Day” challenge time. Never heard of it? No worries, until last year, neither had I. However, I’m glad I did hear about it and decided to jump on the bandwagon, because it was a massive amount of fun… so it was a no-brainer that I decided I’d do it again this year.
How does #BBPhotoChallenge work?
Pretty simple really… I’ve chosen 29 random words and assigned each of them to a day. My job (and hopefully yours too) is then to take a picture every day using the day’s word as the theme for the photo. Share your picture on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram using the hashtag #BBPhotoChallenge and the best picture for the day wins a high-5 and a prize or two.

If you or your company would like to sponsor a few prizes for a particular, please get in touch or give me a shout on Facebook or Twitter.
Let’s do this! I’m really looking forward to see what you guys dish up this year.