The Olympics have kicked off in London and it seems that everyone is talking about about it, even if you’re not in to sport, chances are you saw the opening ceremony at least… but have you heard of the BRAAILympics?
I’ve petitioned ASA and the Olympic committee to allow braaing as an event, but I don’t think they’re taking me seriously… So we’ll just have to host our own… Enter BraaiLympics!
OK, so I haven’t really petitioned ASA, but I still think the idea of BraaiLympics is a must. I got to thinking about it when @Michael__Cronje sent me this picture on twitter:

I haven’t figured out all the events yet, but I’m thinking along the lines of:
- Beer Bottle Toss
- Downing Shooters
- Firewalking 🙂 … I’ve always wanted to do this, and I think everyone that completes this event automatically gets a gold medal.
Some of the folk on FaceBook have suggested “Hout Gooi” – It’s like the hammer throw, but with a bag of wood instead. Tong Javelin and Potjie-lifting. All excellent ideas guys… thanks! Let’s see what the inaugural braailympics ends up delivering!
If you’ve got any suggestions for events you’d like to see, I’d love to hear your comments below, or you can always give me a shout on twitter: @BraaiBoy or facebook
Portable Braai Hurdles
Kebab Archery
Ek dink nog steeds die “hou jou hande oor die kole” event moet toegelaat word.